Lymphedema Center in Santa Monica, California


Lymphedema Center in Santa Monica provides individual care and attention to all our lymphedema patients.

During the initial consultation with Emily Iker, M.D. the director of the Lymphedema Center, the patient’s diagnosis is established after a detailed medical history and complete physical examination. The diagnosis is confirmed in guidelines of ISL consensus of staging.

The Staging of the lymphedema is confirmed with the guidelines of ISL.

The diagnosis, prevention and nutrition/ dietary impact on lymphatic system and possible complications are explained to the patients. Lymphedema treatment is then demonstrated hands on by Dr.Iker. The patient and/ or family member are taught the MLD techniques (LEDUC based). A diagram with complete chart of a daily home treatment regime is given to the patient. The exercises specific for each individual patient are demonstrated and instructed by Dr. Iker.

The lymphedema treatment is tailored to each individual, according to his/her medical needs. The Lymphedema Center provides treatment for all types of lymphedema.

In addition of MLD, we utilize IPC/NOVOPRESS pump with the DM sleeve incorporated into the sleeve of the pump. The NORVOPRESS pump is a new computerized pump that is individualized for patient’s medical requirements. The DM sleeve has a Velcro closure that is easily applied are removed. The valleys and the peaks of the uneven surface of the DM sleeve helps to redistribute the lymph flow.

The efficacy of the treatment is demonstrated with ultrasound measurement before and after the session.

Overall in our Treatment Center, we have favorable response in lymphedema treatment. We achieve significant volume reduction and softer tissue consistency with compliant lymphedema patient. Initially we treat the patients more frequently (3-5times/week), with gradual reduction of the treatment visits and subsequent once per month follow up visit. After initial volume reduction of the treated limb, the lymphedema patient is fitted with compression sleeve/garment for daily.



Lymphedema Center in Santa Monica

2021 Santa Monica Boulevard

Santa Monica, California 90404

310 829-7472

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