Look here for the Original French Statute
Attached to ‘Moniteur Belge’ of March 25, 1982
GEL International Association
Identification number: 2902/82
Article 1. The following members established to create an International Association with scientific aim called Group for the Study of Lymphatics:
– Bourgeois Pierre, Medical Doctor, from Belgium
– Caplan Isidoro, University Professor, from Argentina
– Hidden G, University Professor, from France
– Leduc Albert, University Professor, from Belgium
– Lievens Pierre, University Professor, from Belgium
– Pflug Joseph, University Professor, from Germany
– Pissas Alexandre, Medical Doctor, from France
– Theys Serge, Physical Therapist, from Belgium
Article 2. The Social Venue of the association is 1090 Brussel, Laarbeeklaan 103, in the agglomeration of Brussels. The venue can be moved to another site of the city agglomeration by simple decision of the Executive Board published on the month of its date in the attachments of ‘Moniteur Belge’.
Article 3. The non-profit-making Association aims at promoting the study of lymphology, also cooperating with other associations.
Article 4. The Association was established to last without any time limit.
Article 5. There is no limit in the number of members who must be at least three. The first members are the above listed founder members.
Article 6. The Executive Board decides on the acceptance of new members, who are introduced by two full members, with a majority of two thirds of votes not appealable and based on the following criteria:
- People with certificated scientific activity particularly upon the study of lymphology can be accepted as Full Members
- People without criteria to become full members, but with interest in lymphology, can be accepted as Associate Members
- The title of Honorary Member can be given by the Executive Board to people who have contributed significantly in the activity of the Association and in its aims. This title give the right to take part in the General Assembly without paying the annual subscription fee.
All members reported in number 1,2,3 and article 9 have right to vote.
Article 7. The title of member of the Association is lost in the following conditions:
a) Written resignation
b) Expulsion proposed by the Executive Board, after inviting by letter the member to give explanations; the General Assembly pronounces the final decision.
Article 8. The resigned or expulsed member and heirs of a deceased member cannot vindicate one’s rights on the goods of the Association; they cannot ask neither any refund of paid-up fees, …, nor ask auditing of accounts.
Article 9. Full members and associate members have to pay an annual fee corresponding to an amount fixed by the Executive Board within a maximum of 200 euros . Members who did not pay the current fee cannot participate to the General Assembly.
Executive Board
Article 10. The Association is guided by an Executive Board. This consists of at least 5 people, of whom one Belgium member at least, chosen among full members appointed by the General Assembly for a renewable period of 4 years. A member of the Board can give the proxy to another member who, however, cannot have more than 2 proxies each. The Board can deliberate validly if there are present or represented at least half of the members.
Article 11. Judicial proceedings, both for defense and offense, are followed by the Executive Board represented by its President or by another member appointed by the President
Article 12. The Executive Committee has the power to conduct the Association in order to achieve its aims. Everything which is not under the competence of the General Assembly is under the competence of the Executive Committee.
Article 13. For every act performed by the Executive Committee it will be enough to have the ratification of the General Assembly. The sign of two members of the Committee appointed by the other members of the Board is sufficient to represent the Executive Committee.
General Assembly
Article 14. The General Assembly is the main authority of the Association. It decides by relative majority of the present members or their representatives with a limited number of proxies, two for each member. However, changes of the bylaws and internal rules are decided by two-thirds of full members (respecting article 9) or their representatives. The General Assembly can deliberate validly if there are at least half of the members presents or delegated.
Article 15. One General Assembly must be held yearly at least including full, associate and honor members. A General Assembly can be convened also by two-thirds majority of the Executive Board, or called by a letter of notification by one-fourth of its full and associate members.
Article 16. Meetings of the General Assembly are organized by the Executive Board by a letter of notification at least thirty days before the date of the meeting.
Article 17. On December 31, every year, the balance of the past activity and also an anticipatory balance for the following year will be done. The budget and expenses will be approved by the first following General Assembly.
Article 18. In case of voluntary dissolution of the Association, General Assembly will nominate one or two liquidators of whom General Assembly will determine the power.
Article 19. In case of dissolution of the Association, General Assembly will remit the properties of the Institution for the aims which better resemble those reported in Article 3.
History and Changes of the Statutes
Changes of the Statute
- 2.12.81 Decision of the King to initiate: “Groupement pour l’étude des lymphatiques”.
- 9.02.82 Decision of the King is published in the Moniteur belge (State Journal).
- 25.03.82 Statutes of the Society are published in annexe of the State Journal.
- The Association is called Groupement Européen de Lymphologie (GEL). Published 21.09.1983 in Moniteur belge
- Article 3: from Groupement pour l’Etude des Lymphologie to Groupement Européen de Lymphologie Published 21.04.1983 in Moniteur belge.
- Article 6. : People living out of Europe can be admitted as members if they correspond to the criteria requested to be full or associated member . 3 becomes 4. Published 21.04.1983 in Moniteur belge.
- Article 9 changes in: full and associated members and correspondents must… Published 21.04.1983 in Moniteur belge.
- 28.06.01 transfert of address. New address: Université Libre de Bruxelles, Service de Kinésithérapie et Réadaptation, CP 168. Avenue F.D. Roosevelt, 50, 1050 Bruxelles.
- General Assembly 13.05.06 decided to modify “Groupement Européen de Lymphologie” and to call today “European Society of Lymphology/GEL”. Published 11.01.2007 in Moniteur belge.