Treating lymphedema


In clinic, inpatient treatment is done in the form of daily manual all-body lymph drainage lasting 45 – 60 minutes, intermittent pneumatic compression with the Lympha Press, and pulsed magnetic field therapy followed by lymp

hatic compression bandaging (bandaging time is not included in the time stated for lymph drainage). Core treatment is done in the afternoon, as are physical exercises that are complemented by therapeutic dancing, low-impact aerobics, buy Amoxil online relaxation techniques, and Qi Gong once per week.

Daily terrain training -? Lympho-Opt Walking -? and treatments for additional illnesses complements our treatment program. A weight-reduction diet rounds out the day in the clinic. The weight-reduction diet is necessary since excess weight can result in a worsening of the edema. If patients are in pain, they can also receive soft laser therapy, which is also used to loosen scars and fibroses and to alleviate ulcerations.

For ulcerations, footbaths as well as ozone therapy and, later, carbon dioxide bathing can also be used. For fibroses, patients receive additional treatments in an electrostatic field as well as sound wave therapy. In addition, patients are given information about their condition and how to deal with the disease as well as about nutrition and psychological problems that may arise as a result of chronic illnesses.

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