25 ISL Congress


Combined2.240132718_stdWelcome to San Francisco & the 25th World Congress of Lymphology

Letter from our Co-Congress Presidents

Dear Colleagues and Lymphologists!

We would like personally to invite you to attend the 25th World Congress of Lymphology in San Francisco, California on September 7-11, 2015. The conference promises to be our most exciting and rewarding one yet with an expected 1000 clinicians, basic and clinical scientists, therapy professionals and patient advocates as well as leading faculty and international guest speakers who will all join together in discussions and presentations about some of the latest advances and share their frontline knowledge and experiences in all the various fields of interest in Lymphology, the study of the integrated lymphatic system (lymphatics, lymph nodes and lymphoctyes) in health and disease.

The 25th World Congress of Lymphology is organized jointly by the International Society of Lymphology (ISL), the National Lymphedema Network (NLN) and the Sentinental Node Oncology Foundation/Sentinel Lymph Node Working Group.Ā  This collaborative approach will ensure an interdisciplinary and comprehensive illumination of the lymphatic system, its pathophysiology and state-of-the art evaluation and treatment regimens fifty years after the founding of the field of Lymphology and the ISL.Ā  This congress promises to advance our international presence and bring together members of the each organization.

The opportunities for discourse and dialogue among participants make this international congress unique. The 2015 World Congress of Lymphology provides an unequaled opportunity to see old friends, meet new ones, learn about the latest advances in the many disciplines of lymphology and treatment of patients with lymphedema, and participate in discussions about some of the most important issues facing us in daily clinical practice. We would like to welcome you as a congress participant and encourage you to register online now (early-bird prices) and make plans to join us in San Francisco in September 2015.Ā  See you soon in the golden gate state.


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