Art.7 The Board and its renewal are described in Article 6 of the Stature:
Its functions and missions are defined in articles 7, 11, 15 and 16 of the Statute. Decisions are acquired by votes of simple majority of members present or represented.
We get to vote by showing of hands or using secret ballots, if a quarter of present claim it. The vote by using secret ballots must be used for personal issues.
The number of proxies is limited to one for each present member.
At the end of the General Assembly, that renovated the Board, or within the following thirty days, the Board must be convoked to discuss about the general situation.
According to articles 6 and 11 of the Statute, the Society is administrated by the Board.
To apply the article 12 of the Statute is sufficient, for all acts emanated by the Board of Directors, the signature of two delegate member of the Board elected by the General Assembly.
The Border can choose, among its members:
– one President
– one or two vice-President
– one Secretary
– one Treasurer.