Art.4 Radiation, object of Article 8 of the Constitution, is decided by the Board, ratified by the General Meeting and notified to him by the General Assembly.
Art.5. The notice convening the General Assembly is sent to all members of the Society at least thirty days in advance. it is accompanied by the agenda which must include all relevant information to member information, including:
– the amount of the assessment for the following year,
– the draft of a new text in the case of amendment to the articles together with an explanatory memorandum,
– the list of the questions asked by members; the text of these questions must arrive on time to the Board of Directors. No decision can be taken by the assembly out of the agenda. Voting shall be by show of hands or secret ballot if a quarter of the members present so request.
The secret ballot is required in cases of individual issues or dissolution of the Society. The number of authority is limited to two per person present. It must Minutes of meetings of the General Assembly.
Art.6. We must differentiate:
– Ordinary General Assembly,
– Extraordinary General Assembly provided for in Article 14 of the Constitution