Groupement pour l’étude des Lymphatiques
Rules of procedure.
Admission – Fees – Removal
Art.1. Referring to the article 7 of the bylaws, any person wishing to be part of the gel should be addressed to the Board an application for membership includes:
– a biography,
– a curriculum vitaee,
– a list del pubblications past three years,
– sponsorship by two members.
Each application implies the unconditional acceptance of the statutes and internal rules of the Society, including any amendments that might be made.
The admission becomes effective:
– for members and associate members upon payment of dues for the current year
– for honorary members, after acceptance in writing of the person concerned.
To become a member, an associate member must submit a scientific job. Two designated from among the titular members will be appointed by the Board of Directors to determine the admissibility of this work. This can then be presented during a meeting of GEL under decision of the Board. Final acceptance will be voted by simple majority of members present.
Art.2. In reference to Article 10 of the Statute, the amount of the annual fee is set by the Board of Directors and must be paid to the treasurer before March 31. In case of non-payment of dues due and demanded, sending of communications and Journals is suspended.
Art.3. Any member in arrears for two years from payment of dues will be considered resigned.