Lymphedema and Lymphoscintigraphy Joint Belnuc/ BeSL Seminar


ļ‚· Date: Saturday 27th January 2018 

ļ‚· Venue: Leuven, campus Gasthuisberg, Onderwijs & Navorsing 2, auditorium BMW2. Parking is available on parking ā€œOnderwijs en Navorsingā€ 

ļ‚· Coffee & croissants starts at  8:30

ļ‚· Accreditation to the RIZIV/INAMI will be requested (category: general) 

ļ‚· Accreditation to the FANC will be requested (2.5 hours general nuc med) 

ļ‚· Updates: 

ļ‚· No entrance fee ā€“ registration via this link. 

8:30 Coffee & croissants 

9:00 Welcome 

9:05-9:35 The prescribing physician facing a problem (edema?) of lymphatic (?) origin. T.O. Doctor, MD (Brussels, Belgium) 

9:35-10:20 The nuclear medicine physician facing a problem of lymphatic (?) origin. Prof. P. Bourgeois, MD, PhD (Inst. Jules Bordet, Brussels, Belgium) 

10:20-10:50 Coffee break 

10:50-11:20 Surgical treatments of lymphedemas and lymphoscintigraphies. A. Zeltzer, MD, FCCP (UZ Brussel (VUB), Brussels, Belgium) 

11:20-12:00 Interest of lymphoscintigraphies for the management of the physical treatments of lymphedemas. Em. Prof. A. Leduc, PT, PhD (ULB-VUB, Brussels, Belgium) & R. Barbieux, PT, Drs (Inst. Jules Bordet, Brussels, Belgium) 

12:00-12:30 Round table and questions from the audience. All speakers 

12:30 End.


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