Nominees 2019 PB Lymphological Awards


Oral and poster presentations selected during the 45th meeting of the European Society of Lymphology in Brussels the 3rd and 4rth of May 2019.

The authors who will have published their work in the European Journal of Lymphology and Related Problems within the forthcoming year will share one sum of 1000 Euros.


Human lower limb lymphatic pulse insufficiency,  Olszewski WL, Zaleska MT


The lymphoscintigraphic study of the deep lymphatic circulation for the differential diagnosis of lower limbs edema, Povolato M, Onorato A, Busetto A


MRL and clinical evaluation of free lymph node transfer in management of lymphoedema of extremities, Atta A.T.


Evaluation of different short-stretch compression systems treating patients with bilateral leg lymphoedema Stage II, Planinsek Ručigaj P, Vreček A, Bergant Suhodolčan A


Evaluation of physical activity, exercise capacity, physical performance, balance and fear of movement in lower extremity lymphedema patients, Pehlivan P, Erdoğanoğlu Y, TĆ¼zĆ¼n S


Upper Limb Functional Capacity and Peripheral Muscle Strengthin Patients with Lymphedema after Breast Cancer Of NS, TĆ¼zĆ¼n S

Complex decongestive therapy: transition from intensive phase to maintenance phase, MacciĆ² A

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