Foto-WaldAss. Prof. Martin Wald, M.D., PhD.

Born: 1955



1981 MD  degree, Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague
1984 Certificate of specialization in Surgery (first degree)
1993 Certificate of specialization in Surgery (second degree)
2010 PhD theses defended, Charles University, Prague
2012 named Associated  Professor in Surgery

Professional experience

1982 – 1987 –    surgery department Brandýs n/Labem
1987 – 1988 –  general practitioner  (political persecution)
1989 – 1990 –    outpatint surgery
1991 – up to now – surgeon, Department of Surgery, 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University Prague and  Motol University Hospital
1993 – up to now –  lecturer, Department of Surgery, 2nd Faculty of Medicine Charles University Prague and  Motol University Hospital


Profesional focus

–          general surgery, gastroenterology, GIT endoscopy, minimal invasive surgery
–          breast cancer surgery, sentinel lymph node dissection
–          differential diagnosis and therapy of post-mastectomy pain syndrome
–          diagnostics and surgical treatment  of lymphatic insufficiance and lymphedema
–           resectional surgery and liposuction in patients with lymphoedema
–           lympho- venous anastomosis
–          experimental animal models of certain tumours
–          effect of proteolytic enzymes on physiological and pathophysiological processes is organism

Teaching experience: since 1993 up to now at  2nd Faculty of Medicine Charles University Prague


Czech Surgical Society of Czech Medical Association of J.E. Purkyně
Czech Society of Lymphology of Czech Medical Association of J.E. Purkyně
– chairman since 2013 up to now
German Society of Surgery
European Society of Lymphology
International Society of Lymphology
The European Journal of Lymphology – National delegate and Scientific Committee