1st Greek Congress of Lymphology organized by Greek Society of Lymphology


Στάλθηκε: 12:10 π.μ. Κυριακή, 3 Ιουνίου 2012

From the ESL President, prof. Sandro Michelini:

It’s my great pleasure to greet the participants of the 1st Congress organized by the Greek Society of Lymphology.

The Greek Society of Lymphology belongs the last years to the family of the European Society of Lymphology, but already has been distinguished itself for its inportant contribution by providing contunuous and update clinical & cultural knowledge.

With the hope to see your Society growing and looking forword to participating in your next Congress,  I congratulate the President, Professor Petrikkos and my friend Dr Evangelos Dimakakos for the organization of this interesting scientific event.

I wish to the participants a fruitful Conference and I hope to see them all in Berlin,  in the next European Congress of Lymphology, which will be held on September 2012.


Prof. Sandro Michelini

President of the European Society of Lymphology

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