2011 -23rd International Congress od Lymphology


from the President

Dear Colleagues 4seohunt.com/www/www.eurolymphology.org. and Lymphologists!

The Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at Malmö University

Hospital, Sweden, is honoured to organize the 23rd International Congress of Lymphology in cooperation with the Faculty of Medicine at Lund University, and the Swe- dish Lymphology Association. Problems related to the lymphatic system are central issues for us, and one of our main focuses is the development of surgical techniques related to lymphology.

23rd International Congress of Lymphology  Program outline  skane.com©sydpol.com

Olof Rudbeck (1630-1702), a Swedish scientist, published his first treatise De Circulatione Sanguinis in 1652, at the age of 22 years only, and he actually became the first one to describe the delineation and function of the lymphatic system in Nova Exercitatio Anatomica, which he published one year later.

With this historical perspective in mind, we are enthusiastic about hos- ting the 23rd International Congress of Lymphology in Sweden. We are also proud of being entrusted with the task of arranging the prestigious congress in the city of Malmö. In fact, Malmö connects on to another pioneering scientific work in the field of lymphology performed by Thomas Bartholin (1616-1680), who was active in the nearby capital of Denmark, Copenhagen.

In 2011, from September 19 to 23, the most renowned scien- tists from all over the world will gather in Malmö to present and debate their front line knowledge and experiences in the various fields of lymphology. This will assure for an interdisciplinary and all-round illumination of the lymphatic system, its pathophysiology, and the state-of-the-art of different treatment regimes. More- over, at the end of the summer but before fall, September is an excellent time of the year to visit Sweden.

We look forward to seeing you all in Malmö on this very special occasion. Please contact us for any additional information or suggestions that can make your stay even more pleasant in our dynamic and beautiful city.

On behalf of the Organizing Committee,

Håkan Brorson, MD, PhD

Congress President


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