Dear President of ESL. F. Boccardo
Dear members and friends of ESL
I would like to inform you that we organize the 3nd Greek Congress of Lymphology. The 3rd Greek Congress of Lymphology entitled ‘The Lymphology from Past to Present‘ will take place in the Hippocratic Hospital in Athens 2016 on June 3-4. The conference is dedicated to two great Greek pioneers and researchers of lymphatic system: E. Kontoleon ā Professor and Director of Surgical Clinic of the Hippocratic Hospital of Athens who the surgical prowess was global benchmark for at least 60 years (1910 -1970) as regards the surgical treatment of lymphoedema and M.Papamiltiadis – Professor of Anatomy in Athens, who investigated and revealed many lymph vessels and their function in various parts of the body and so the European Society of Lymphology has established each year to give M.Papamiltiadis Prize for one of the best work of its congress.
With Warm Regards
Evangelos Dimakakos
from the ESL’s President:
On behalf of the European Society of Lymphology, Iām pleased to greet all the participants in the 3rd Congress of the Greek Society of Lymphology.
The Greek Society of Lymphology has been affiliated to the ESL for many years and there have always been continuous exchanges of experiences and knowledge between the two Societies, through distinguished scientific contributions and international congresses.
I would like to congratulate with the President, the Organizing and the Scientific Committee of this Congress for the organization of this important scientific meeting.
I wish good and fruitful Congress works to the participants.
Kindest regards
Prof. Francesco Boccardo
President of the European Society of Lymphology