The  daughter of GeneviĆØve HIDDEN doctor FranƧoise LUCET  phoned me immediately to inform the lymphologist colleagues and friends of the death of the great anatomist and surgeon.

GeneviĆØve HIDDEN was born in 1926. She obtained the grade of medicine doctor in 1958 at the faculty of medicine of PARIS. Immediately she was fascinated by anatomy , dissection, cadaver research and particularly the teaching of anatomy on the blackboard. She obtained the title of chief of clinics in surgery in 1959 and was nominated professor of anatomy  in 1969 in the faculty of PARIS and surgeon of hospital in 1971.

She taught anatomy  during 30 years at PARIS OUEST and became chief of the service of general surgery of the hospital of POISSY. Her surgical activity was focused on oncology. But the name of prof. HIDDEN   will remain by her important anatomical research of the lymphatic system of digestive and pelvic tract, the lymphatic system of the lung and thorax.

Her master prof AndrĆ©  DELMAS  understood this opportunity very quickly and gave to GeneviĆØve the possibility of a research of high quality. Prof M.PAPAMILTIADES  ten years before had been also a pupil of AndrĆ© DELMAS. The personality of GeneviĆØve HIDDEN was very important for me.

In 1977 I saw her for the first time in the European congress of anatomy in BASEL.   I wanted to speak to her of my thesis upon lymphatic drainage of the stomach  but I  was timid  and impressed by her. She was very kind with me and promised to help me. One month after I received a very long letter with advices  (I have yet this letter with me) and an important bibliography.

In  1979, we decided in BRUSSELS  with Albert LEDUC,  Isidoro CAPLAN and  Pierre  BOURGEOIS to create the Groupement pour lā€™Ć©tude Des Lymphatiques GEL which became  some years after the European Society of Lymphology   ESL.

Immediately  we decided to propose to GeneviĆØve to become founder member of the executive committee in 1980. In  may 1983  in the 4th European congress organized in FREIBURG  by Michel and Ethel FOLDI, after  Albert LEDUC  founder president, the executive committee of GEL decided unanimously to elect  Prof HIDDEN  president of GEL.   She was an excellent president with a high level of scientific organization during the congress of BRUSSELS 1984, PORTO 1985, NIMES ā€“ MONTPELLIER 1986. In 1987  she decided to let the presidency. She proposed to her general secretary to take over,  I was the general secretary, and it was a very great honor for me to be elected on proposition of prof HIDDEN.

GenevĆØve  HIDDEN  published many  papers on surgery and anatomical lymphology; she was interested by physiology  of lymphatic system, by all aspects: physiotherapy, reconstructive surgery. In PARIS  She gave the taste of lymphology to many pupils: M.RIQUET, JP BRUN, C.BECKER, P.GLOVICZKI. She was  member of the international society of lymphology, of  the executive committee, of the editorial board of the European journal of Lymphology.

GeneviĆØve was aā€ woman surgeonā€ in a peculiar  period in FRANCE: it was difficult! She had her personality with her special cigarettesā€¦.but a very great attachment for all her family, her husband gynecologist  and the children Philippe and FranƧoise

We are all proud to have been the pupils of a woman of   very high morality in the practice of medicine. She left us at 90 years  old but we are convinced that she was at the last minutes happy of her life, her family, her colleagues, her pupils, and the European society of Lymphology  honors one of the most important founder member and transmit to her family  his sincere condolences.

Alexandre Pissas
(Past President ESL 1987 -2001 and
Past President ISL 2001-2003)

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