Valencia: ESL General Assembly June 9th 2013.


14h00 Session opening by president Michelini S

President Michelini opens the meeting and congratulates Isabel Forner Cordero for the friendly and perfect organization of the 39th ESL Congress in Valencia and for the very good scientific level of the presented papers. Isabel Forner Cordero received a particular great ovation from the all members of the General Assembly.

Administrative part of the meeting is opened :

  1. Balance sheet  2012 is presented by Belgrado J

End December 2012 we had 9.279,07 ā‚¬

Relation of the balance sheet is unanimously approved by vote.

  1. Euro. Journal of Lympho. And Rel. Problems

Boccardo F informs that there are, at this moment, no costs for publishing the Journal. The published articles are proposed to revisors and he insists on the fact that if he should receive 50 papers this should be very positive.

Pissas A asks for information concerning the choice of the revisors before publication. Boccardo F answers that he send to surgeons when it is a ā€œsurgical articleā€ etcā€¦

  1. Next congresses:

2014 Genova: September 25-26- 27 organized by Boccardo F and Campisi C. Administrative information ā€˜ll be send by Boccardo F.

2015 Brussels: Bourgeois P informs that if the ISL congress should be organized in Europe in 2015 he should not accept to organize our meeting during the same period. Conclusion it is proposed to organize the meeting in 2015 in Lausanne. President Michelini is invited to have a contact, as soon as possible, with the organizer in Lausanne.

2016 Mulhouse is proposed to be organized by HamadƩ

Discussion : Pissas A and Brun JP donā€™t agree with the proposal to organize our meeting in Mulhouse if the ESL meeting should be organized simultaneously or during the approximative same dates with the meeting of the meeting organized by the SociĆ©tĆ© de Lymphologie de Langue FranƧaise.

  1. Website:  Michelini S informs that our website is more and more visited and that we have actually more than 1.500 visitors / month

Belgrado JP thanks the web site master for the enormous work he was doing for organizing the website.

Campisi C proposes that the logo of the other lymphology societies should be mentioned in our website

  1. ESL prices : Michelini proposes to twin the Caplan and the Papamiltiades prices. Proposal is accepted.
  2. New members : we received today 11 candidatures


  1. New members :

Roser Belmonte Martinez        Barcelona

Marisa Catasus Clave             Barcelona

Maria Elena Molina                 Las Palmas

Laura MillĆ”n Casas                   Zaragoza

Cristina Puigdellivol                Barcelona

Dolores Maldonado Garrido    Valencia

Pilar Rel Monzo                     Valencia

Brigida Sevilla                        Valencia

Daniel Huescar Sheeky           MĆ”laga

Carlos Manero Garcia             Santiago de Compostela

Pilar Garcia Lopez                  Santiago de Compostela


The all proposed candidatures are approved..


  1. Suggestions

Brun JP reminds that in the begining of our society (GEL), the language in use during our reunions and meetings was French and that, later on, the English language was introduced. But that the French language should be reintroduced in case of the English should be abandonedā€¦

Leduc A mentions that the demand to use the logo of the ESL must be submitted for acceptation by the president of the Society.


O. Leduc  Secretary

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