Valencia: ESL Executive committee June 6th 2013


Participating Members:

Michelini S, Moneta, Failla, Bourgeois P, Brun JP,Pissas A, Foldi E, Beaumeister R, Eliska O, Boccardo F , Forner-Cordero I, Belgrado JP, Paependieck C., Campisi C, Dimakakos, Leduc A

19h30         opening by Michelini S

President Michelini opens the reunion and informs that our society feels in good condition from different points of vue:

Balance sheet, relationship with European and extra-Euro. Societies of Lymphology societies, and ESL website.

  1. Balance sheet is presented by Belgrado: the society had, end december 2012 = 9.279,07 €

By vote, balance sheet is approved unanimously.

  1. Euro. Journal of Lymph. and rel Problems: relation presented by Boccardo.

The published articles were proposed to revisors and he insists on the fact that if he should receive 50 papers this should be very positive for Pub Med and also favourable to become recognized by Citation Index.

Cordero-Forner, I, proposes that each speaker of the congress should propose his presentation to be published in the journal.

Michelini S informs that if each of us should send only one article the publication of the journal should be guaranteed for a year.


  1. Next congresses

2014 Genova:  sept. 25 – 27 organized by Boccardo-Campisi C

2015 Brussels: Bourgeois suggests to discuss this proposal during the General Assembly.

2 other existing candidatures are: Mulhouse and Lausanne.

  1. Website Michelini repeats what he said during the opening of the reunion, that the website is more and more visited (more than 1.500 visitors / month)
  2. Relationship with other scientific societies: Michelini S suggests to have cooperation with societies interested in genetic analysis.
  3. ESL prices: Michelini proposes to twin the Caplan and the Papamiltiades prices. Proposal is accepted.
  4. Various: It is notified that some article that seams being not scientifically correct was well published in the Euro. Journal.

         O.Leduc Secretary

Next articleValencia: ESL General Assembly June 9th 2013.